This sample demonstrates how the BlackBerry Smartphone browser engine used to be able to provide GPS coordinates via its own implementation of the blackberry.location JavaScript object. The BlackBerry Location object is designed to provide access to the GPS location of the BlackBerry device. The GPS location refers to the geographical co-ordinates, latitude and longitude, of the BlackBerry device.
For information about GPS support using HTML5, please see HTML5 Geolocation
CellSite - Uses the GPS location of the active cellsite tower to provide first order GPS information. It provides the least accurate location information; however, it is the fastest location mode.
Note: This location method requires network connectivity and carrier support.
Assisted - This method uses the network to provide ephemeris satellite data to the device chip. It provides the GPS location faster than the autonomous mode and more accurately than the cellsite mode.
Note: This location method requires network connectivity and carrier support.
Autonomous - This method uses the GPS chip on the BlackBerry device without assistance from the network. The autonomous mode provides the first GPS location in the slowest amount of time.
Note: The following carriers have disable device-side GPS functionality (location services can be purchased from carrier instead):