WebWorks Kitchen Sink
The purpose of this application is to demonstrate the multitude of capabilities and functionality (everything but the "kitchen sink") that can be built into a BlackBerry WebWorks application.
User Interface
- Design your app to look the way you want it to
- HTML Form Fields
Collect information from users
- Fonts
Use standard or custom fonts
- Media Query
Single CSS for multiple screen dimensions
- Viewport Virtual rendering area for Web content
- Screen Dimensions Detect page width & height
- Orientation Detect when page layout changes
- Fixed Toolbars Static header and footer
- Scrollable DIVs Scroll content without scrolling page
- Fixed position elements Elements remain in place during scrolling
User Experience
- Make your content more enjoyable / easier to use.
- User Agent Detect what browser your users have
- Input Types
Associates virtual keyboard variant with input fields
- Dialog API
Manipulate system dialog boxes.
- Menu API
Manipulate menu items for the application.
- Use of whitespace Give users enough space for interaction
- Progress indicator Display progress while events processing
- Transformations
Move, scale and rotate in 2D or 3D
- Animations
Use animation to provide visual feedback
- Window object Represents an open window in a browser.
- Web Notifications
Update system icon tray
User Input
- Respond to physical user input.
- Touch Events
Respond to Touch events (start, move, end)
- Swipe Gestures Transform touch events into swipe gestures
- Keyboard events Listen for key press events
- Accelerometer
Measure the 3D motion of a physical device
- Pinch To Zoom
Control default pinch-to-zoom behavior
- Provide amazing visual effects.
- Flash
Use Flash content in your app
- Canvas
Use HTML5 canvas content
- Memory or file system
- Directory API
Interact with directories on the file system.
- File API
Interact with files on the file system.
- LocalStorage & SessionStorage
Save key/value string pairs in memory
- Web Database
Relational database storage (SQLlite)
- Application Cache
Automatic offline storage for remote content
- File Reader
Read file details from local system
- Upload a file Transfer a local file to remote Web server
- Multimedia
- Audio API
Listing of supported audio functionality
- Audio Player API
Plays audio using Java extension.
- Audio
Play audio natively through web engine
- Video
Play video natively through web engine
- Device Harware Access
- Camera API
Use camera to capture pictures and videos
- Microphone API
Record audio from the microphone
- Geolocation
Get GPS coordinates (HTML5 solution)
Get GPS coordinates (legacy BlackBerry solution)
- Device OS Integration
- Application API
Application level Functions and attributes
- Application Events API
Access events triggered by the application
- System API
System level functions and attributes
- System Events API
Access events triggered by the system
- Identity API
BlackBerry Smartphone user and account information
- Invoke API
Launch external applications
- URI schemes
URI schemes supported by the Web engine
- Navigator object Provides information about the current platform
How to open 3rd party file MIME types
- Phone
Information about active BlackBerry Smartphone phone accounts.
- Network Connectivity
- Web Sockets
Two-way communication with a remote host
- Network Connectivity
Detect whether network connection is active
- Protocols
Protocols supported by the Web engine
- Carrier Network
Information about active carrier network
- 3rd Party Frameworks
- Twitter Web APIs Integrate your Web content with Twitter
- Performance
- Web Workers
Multi-thread JavaScript processing
- DHTML Update HTML dynamically after page load
- XmlHttpRequest Asynchronous HTTP requests from client
- CSS Sprites Reduce HTTP requests for image resources
- Typed Arrays Fast access to binary data arrays
- BlackBerry
- Ripple Mobile emulator for BlackBerry Smartphone and PlayBook
- Web Inspector Full suite of debugging and profiling tools
- 3rd Party
- JSConsole Remote debugging of console.log statements
- Firebug Lite Lightweight version of Firebug browser plugin
- Weinre Web Inspector Remote server